Paediatric Dentistry

Here at All Smiles Dental Clinic, pedodontics is about caring of children’s teeth, which is extensively concerned with PREVENTION of dental problem.

Milk teeth in children are very important, as they act as guiding course for the underlying permanent teeth


Frequently asked question by mothers

  • 1. At what age does milk teeth start to appear?First milk teeth appears at around 6-8 month of childs age.
  • 2. When should we start caring for Childs Teeth ?Before the 1st tooth erupts, clean the childs mouth and gums with soft cotton cloth or gauze. As the teeth start to erupt, clean them gently with children’s toothpaste, about a size of pea.
  • 3. How to help a Child while he is teething ?Child may be cranky during teething. His gums may feel sore and tender. Parents can soothen this pain by gently massaging that area with a clean finger / Gum paint.
  • 4. Can milk teeth develop cavities if so; is it Essential to treat them?Yes milk teeth can get cavities & they need to be treated on time. The best time to treat is when there is no pain.
  • 5. Is there a way to PREVENT cavities ?As permanent teeth start to erupt, which is usually around 6 yrs of age,they can be prevented from decaying, by applying pit & fissure sealants and cleaning followed by fluoride therapy by the dentist.

  • 6. When should I Take my child to see the dentist ?Ideally, your child’s first dental visit should be by the first birthday. YOUR dentist will check for decay and other problems, teach you how to clean your child’s teeth and identify your child’s fluoride needs By starting dental visits early, you II help your child build a lifetime of good dental habits
  • 7. Is teething painful?Yes . When babies are teething they often have sore and tender gums. The pain usually can be soothed by gently rubbing the baby ‘s gums with a clean finger, a small cool spoon or a wet gauze . Teething does not cause fever or diarrhoea. If your child has an elevated temperature , it needs to be addressed as a separate medical concern
  • 8. Can babies get cavities?Yes Even though they will eventually fall out milk teeth can get cavities and may need to be treated As soon as teeth appear in the mouth , decay can occur . One serious form of decay among young children is Baby bottle Tooth decay babies shouldn’t fall asleep with bottles in their mouths- the sugar in juices or milk formulas can cause tooth decay, Leading to cavities , dental discomfort, and even tooth loss. Plain water is usually best.
  • 9. When should thumb sucking stop?Yes Even though they will eventually fall out milk teeth can get cavities and may need to be treated As soon as teeth appear in the mouth , decay can occur . One serious form of decay among young children is Baby bottle Tooth decay babies shouldn’t fall asleep with bottles in their mouths- the sugar in juices or milk formulas can cause tooth decay, Leading to cavities , dental discomfort, and even tooth loss. Plain water is usually best.
  • 10. How can the Dentist protect your child’s ?As a child’s permanent teeth erupt, the Dentist can prevent cavities from forming with the help of sealants and fluoride treatment. Sealants are a safe, painless and low-cost way to help protect your child’s teeth from decay . The sealant is bonded to the chewing surfaces of the molars and premolars, and thus prevents these teeth from decay. Fluoride, application is a single sitting procedure done once every months to make the tooth structure stronger and prevents cavities.
  • 11. What are space maintainers?A milk tooth usually stays in until a permanent tooth underneath pushes it out and takes its place. Unfortunately, some children lose a milk tooth too soon. If this happens , the teeth beside it may move into the empty space resulting in lack of space for the permanent teeth leading to crowding. This can be prevented by the use of space Maintainers . It is more affordable – and easier on your child- to keep teeth in normal positions with a space maintainer than to move them back in place with orthodontic treatment
  • 12. WHAT TO EXPECT DURING THE VISIT?Examine for oral injuries, cavities or other problems. Let you know if your child is at risk of developing tooth decay. Clean your child’s teeth and provide guidelines for daily care. Discuss teething, pacifier use, or finger/thumb sucking habits. Discuss treatment, if needed, and schedule the next check-up.

PIT & FISSURE SEALANTS : The top surface of our teeth isn’t smooth enough, where our chewing takes place. They are cris-crossed with tiny hills and valleys popularly known as the pits and fissures. These are places where plaque and tartar build up, and your toothbrush can’t reach properly over there. Some of the pits and fissures are so narrow that even a single bristle from your toothbrush can’t get deep inside to clean them out. An excellent way of preventing the cavities from developing in the pits and fissures is to seal them off with a special varnish called a pit and fissure sealant.


At first your dentist will determine whether you child require a pit and fissure sealant to protect the teeth from decay. Then the teeth will be cleaned first and a mild acid solution will be applied to scrape the surface and make it easier for the pit and fissure sealant to stick. This is totally a safe and painless procedure.


Fissure sealants are protective plastic coatings that help to prevent tooth decay when applied to the biting surfaces of newly erupted teeth.
– When a fissure sealant is properly placed into these grooves and fissures, it protects them from plaque and food particles. This prevents the teeth from decay.
– They can last for many years. Dental Health Tips

with your child can have a lifetime of healthy smiles

  • A Balanced diet is important for healthy teeth and gums. Children especially need calcium to help build strong teeth [ milk,cheese,etc]
  • Snack in moderation and include beverages to wash the mouth of food particles.
  • Set regular snack times to avoid constant exposure to cavity -causing foods.
  • Encourage good oral health and hygiene habits early. Have youngsters brush frequently with fluoride toothpaste.
  • Teaching your oral health and hygiene habits early. Have youngsters brush frequently with fluoride toothpaste .

Teaching your child to maintain good dental habits is the beginning of good dental health . Proper personal care and reguler visits to the Dental can keep dental problems to a minimum.

Ways to protect your Childs oral health

  • Wipe the baby’s gums with a gauze pad after each feed.


  • Begin brushing as the 1st tooth erupts.
  • Allow your child to brush on own by 2 years of age. At the age of 3 yrs, the child learns swallow in start using a fluoridate tooth paste,

Permananent Teeth Erruption


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